MHS Tennis @ SPCHEA (3-30-2017)
The Muleshoe High School tennis team played in the South Plains Christian Home Educators
Association Tennis Tournament in Levelland Thursday afternoon. MHS had 29 participants
involved in 55 matches, and they won eight medals.
The tournament was divided into Division A and Division B.
Yavet Elizalde earned the consolation medal in in Boys Division A Singles. He lost to Wellman
Union 7-9 but bounced back to defeat Littlefield 8-0 and Shallowater 8-1.
Also competing in the Boys Singles Division A was Jacob Kettner, Aron Chacon, and Tre Villa.
Kettner beat Lockney 8-3 but lost to Shallowater 1-8 and Seagraves 5-8. Chacon defeated
Wellman Union 8-6 but lost to Hart 6-8. Villa fell to Seagraves 6-8, beat Littlefield 8-6 and lost to
Hart 1-8.
Cassidy Cage won the consolation medal in the Girls Singles Division A. She lost to Hart 7-9 but
came back to beat Littlefield 8-2 and Gloria Gonzales of Muleshoe 8-6.
Gonzales lost to Hart 1-8, beat Lockney 8-2 before falling to Cage 6-8.
Hallie Myatt and Sadie Sudduth earned the bronze medals in Girls Division A Doubles. They
defeated SPCHEA 8-3, lost to Shallowater, and beat the Muleshoe team of Yvonne Diaz and
Sydnie Sudduth 8-5 for the medals.
Diaz and Sy. Sudduth beat Shallowater 8-6 but lost to SPCHEA 6-8 and the Muleshoe team of
Myatt and Sa. Sudduth 5-8. There were no results for the team of Xiomara Regalado and Erika
Jason Florez and Liliana Barrera won the bronze medal in Division A Mixed Doubles. The team
beat Littlefield 8-5, lost to SPCHEA 6-8, defeated Wellman Union 8-3 for the medals. Izaiah Perez
and Jade Fabela lost to Shallowater 5-8 and Littlefield 6-8.
Carter McCamish won the bronze medal in Division B Boys Singles. He beat Shallowater 8-3, fell
to Sundown 6-8 but bounced back to beat Littlefield 8-6 for the medal.
Sophia Sianez won the teams’ only gold medal. She earned her gold in the Girls Division B
Singles by beating Littlefield 8-0, SPCHEA 8-1, and SPCHEA 8-2 for the medal.
Anghey Avilez won a silver medal in the same division. She beat Loop 8-5, Denver City 8-3, but
fell to Shallowater 5-8. Perla Vasquez lost to Shallowater 2-8 and Littlefield 6-8. There were no
results for Laura Chavez.
Derek Barron and Kelan Florez teamed up in Division B Boys Doubles for the consolation medal.
The team lost to SPCHEA 3-8 but came back to defeat Seagraves 8-6 and Shallowater 8-6. Ricardo
Torres and Kobe Gutierrez beat Shallowater 8-2 and lost to Denver City 4-8.
MHS entered two teams in Division B Girls Doubles. Brylee Beall and Jackie Rayas beat
Springlake-Earth 8-8 (7-3) and lost to Sundown 2-8. Adriana Mora and Anna Phillips beat
Springlake-Earth 8-5, Lockney 8-8 (7-4), lost to Happy 8-8 (4-7) and lost to SPCHEA 3-6.
The MHS tennis team will return to Levelland April 6 for another SPCHEA Tournament at South
Plains College. The District 2-3A tennis tournament will be held April 10 and 11 on the campus of
South Plains College.